24 thoughts on “Contact

  1. Adam was asking about photo injuries…

    While on safari a few years back, I was carrying a Sigma 50-500mm on my 40D. It weighs a bit more than the 70-200mm 2.8 IS. Although sitting in the car mostly during the safari, I was handling the camera and shooting a lot. When back home my right hand middle and ring fingers and the tissue in my hand back towards the wrist ached. Definite RSI. I’m quite wary of this now, and tend to carry the camera differently.

    Injury(ies) #2. Bruises to the leg. I use a Black Rapid R-strap to carry my camera while out walking. (Love it and highly recommend it. Future episode on straps?) With the long lens dangling on my side the lens hood sometimes bounces or catches against my leg to generate a nice bruise just above the knee. Which means I tend to keep a hand on the camera while walking to steady it, thus promoting further RSI. 🙂

    Does flash-blindness count? ie: testing a flash directly into your own face?

  2. Hello Again Guys its been A while since I last wrote. I am glad you are starting to use Light Room It is Amazing. I wanted to mention that Light Room has Plug Inn’s. More specifically Let Adam know there is a Costco plug in. I have to agree that NO ONE beats Costco prices and quality. I have been printing with them for a long time and have had little to no complaints. I just wanted to mention the plug in. you basically pull the photos you want from LR into the plug in then it basically does the rest. One tid bit of advice, when you print from costco there is a box that you should check off that states you do not want them to color correct your photos. If you leave that checked off they might adjust your color in a way you did not. This was the only problem I ever had.
    Keep up the Great Work


  3. So I have a suggestion for a show… How about “So my wife just dropped my camera…” You can add on to that, Right on to my almost brand new 85 1.8 lens. Good thing that I listen to this show and always make sure to have my hood on. Thank you guys for saving my lens!

    Also Discgolf is way better then Baseball or Hockey! Your pal doofusphotography.

  4. Allan,

    Just getting caught up on episodes and in the June monthly challenge episode you talked about a Seattle photo and was wondering where it was shot. If you have not found out already, it is from the Jose P. Rizal bridge to the south east of the city. It just so happens that I am here right now visiting from L.A. and shot from the same place about 10 days ago.

    It is VERY popular, so I would recommend arriving an hour before sunset (if you want a twilight photo) so out can stake out your spot. The bridge has a slight curve to it, so position yourself at the apex of that curve that is closest to the city. That way there is less of a chance of dumb asses getting into your shot (and there are lots of dumb asses with no photo etiquette who WILL get in your shot). I hung out for about 2 hours (wanted a twilight shot and a night shot) and probably 70 people came and went during that time.

  5. Hey Adam. Good to meet you in Costco! I had not listened to the Christmas worse until last night, or i would have mentioned something. Some great lol moments between you and Al. Been there, done that, got the t shirt with a young family. Best of the new year to you all. Jack

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